1. 万能的网友,有谁知道北京哪儿能买到不加碘的盐?

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  2. 答案 (10)
  3. 超市没有吗?我们这都能买到的.

  4. 网上。。。

    • 万能的网!

  5. For neti pot??? I can buy you some when I visit California in march if I can find it…

    • Right! I was able to get two bottles but no more. will try other hypermarkets.

  6. 据说医院附近杂货店会有,我也正想买

    • 上海人民也需要!

  7. Is the neti pot useful then? If you can’t find it let me know and I’ll get it from the US. Haha

  8. 超市有天然海盐,那个不加。

    • 谢谢!至今未找到。