1. 亲们知道新加坡哪里有卖DIY材料是可以自己做手牌的吗??谢谢!!最好是黑色底,自

    此条目是由 xinjiapo 发在 未分类 上的。


  2. 答案 (19)
  3. You mean those blackboards?

    • Yup yup I mean those… Do u know where I can buy and DIY?? Thanks!!

  4. 什么样子?会发光的!?

    • 不是灯牌,就是手牌。。上面粘bling bling的东西。。

  5. Artfriend, 其實普通Popular就行了。只是如果要亮的紙就得到paper market or urban write or artfriend buy… Normally popular have everything

    • 谢谢!!! 可是popular也可以买到很厚的black board吗?bling bling的纸我要买。。。

      • You try going to Artfriend ` Taka. They’ve tonnes of DIY stuff there…

        • Ok ok thanks!! Which floor?? I’m going to dhoby ghaut tonight… Last time I saw a DIY store at plaza sing… Do u think they have it as well??

          • I think that shop’s more for the making cards? Taka…. U know the middle escalator u enter in kino? It’s above that level but u need to go thru that escalator….

            • Oh ok ok I found the address online… Also got one branch at bras basah complex… Been there before… Thank u so much!!! Gonna make my first fan board!! Hahaha!!

              • Yuppp at popular that building. Ok! No prob!

      • Mostly those bigger popular/artfriend have everything laa.. U can try ur luck… If blings paper popular dont have, u can go urban write or paper market.

      • But mostly artfriend have everything laa..

        • Thank u so much for ur quick and extensive reply!!! you are so helpful babe!!

    • lol she wants to make boards wor. paper market & urban write dont have that much thick materials eh~

      • No no.. I mean urban write or paper market is for those blings paper.

  6. 你說的是普通手牌對吧?

    • 是的!

  7. 好的!!去artfriend淘一淘!昨晚我自己在家用旧纸盒做了一个,花了好多时间但是好难看